Kazan Federal University announces another Contest for the N.I. Lobachevsky Medal and Prize «For outstanding work in the field of fundamental and applied mathematics».
The N.I. Lobachevsky Medal and the corresponding cash prize of 75,000 (seventy-five thousand) US dollars are awarded by Kazan Federal University for outstanding work in fundamental and applied mathematics. The medal and prize are named after Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1792-1856), a brilliant Russian mathematician, the founder of non-Euclidean geometry, and the rector of Kazan University (1827-1845).
Russian and foreign scientists may participate in the contest for the N.I. Lobachevsky Medal and Prize individually.
Candidates for the medal and the prize may be nominated by:
a) academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, members of foreign state academies and state scientific communities;
b) Russian and foreign scientific institutions, higher educational institutions;
c) state scientific and engineering societies;
d) scientific councils of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other departments on the most important problems of science;
e) scientific and technical councils of ministries, departments, high-tech companies.
Works covering the results of scientific research that have made a significant contribution to the development of fundamental and applied mathematics are allowed to participate in the competitive selection.
The medal and the prize, as well as the diploma of these awards, are awarded to the laureate at a ceremonial meeting of the KFU Academic Council in late November - early December 2025 based on the results of the jury's motivated conclusion.
Nominations of candidates for participation in the competitive selection are accepted by e-mail at
medal@kpfu.ru from the moment of publication of the announcement of the contest.
Internet address of the website of the N.I. Lobachevsky medal and prize:
https://mathcenter.kpfu.ru/en/medalOrganizations or individuals who have nominated a candidate for the medal and prize submit the following information to the secretariat of the Contest
medal@kpfu.ru (with the note «For the contest for the N.I. Lobachevsky medal and prize»):
a) information about the author (list of main scientific works, discoveries, inventions, place of work and position held, home address, work and home phone numbers);
b) published scientific work (series of works) or references to them, materials of scientific discovery or invention;
c) reasoned presentation, including scientific characteristics of the work, its significance for the development of science and economy.
The works of applicants will be accepted until June 30, 2025 inclusive. The works submitted to the contest will not be returned.
The winner of the contest will be determined by September 30, 2025.The medal, as well as a diploma on the award of the medal and the corresponding cash prize, will be awarded to the laureate, based on the results of a motivated conclusion of the International Jury of the contest at a ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council of KFU in late November - early December 2025. The award ceremony will take place in the Alexander Hall of Kazan Federal University.
The medal and the prize will be presented by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Chairman of the Academic Council of Kazan Federal University.