1. General Regulations
1.1. These Regulations define the procedure and conditions for awarding the N.I. Lobachevsky Medal and Prize "For outstanding work in the field of fundamental and applied mathematics" (hereinafter referred to as the medal and prize) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University" (hereinafter referred to as KFU).
1.2. The N.I. Lobachevsky Medal and Prize "For Outstanding Work in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics" is an award given by KFU once every 2 years to encourage scientists for their scientific work, scientific discoveries and inventions important for science and practice in the field of fundamental and applied mathematics. The medal and prize are the successors of the following N.I. Lobachevsky awards: the N.I. Lobachevsky Prize, awarded by Kazan University in 1897-1937; the N.I. Lobachevsky Medal, established by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated June 18, 1991 No. 380 in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great mathematician and awarded by Kazan State University in 1992-2002.
1.3. The medal and prize are named after Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1792-1856), a brilliant Russian mathematician, founder of non-Euclidean geometry, and rector of Kazan University from 1827 to 1845.
1.4. The medal, as well as a diploma on the award of the medal and the corresponding cash prize in the amount of 75,000 (seventy-five thousand) US dollars, are awarded to the winner, based on the results of the reasoned conclusion of the International Jury of the contest at the ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council of KFU in late November - early December of the corresponding year. The award ceremony takes place in the Alexander Hall of Kazan Federal University. The medal and the prize are presented by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Chairman of the Academic Council of Kazan Federal University.
1.5. To conduct the contest, the Academic Council of KFU creates an International Jury consisting of leading Russian and foreign scientists.
1.6. The sample of the medal and diploma is approved by the Academic Council of Kazan Federal University.
1.7. The Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics named after N.I. Lobachevsky of KFU maintains a page about the medal and the prize on the official website of KFU, distributes the announcement of the contest through scientific publications and mass media no later than the end of the year preceding the act of awarding the medal.
1.8. Russian and foreign scientists participate in the contest for the N.I. Lobachevsky medal and prize individually. The medal and prize are not awarded posthumously.
1.9. The right to nominate candidates for the medal and prize is granted to:
a) academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, members of foreign state academies and state scientific communities;
b) Russian and foreign scientific institutions, higher educational institutions;
c) state scientific and engineering societies;
d) scientific councils of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other departments on the most important problems of science;
e) scientific and technical councils of ministries, departments, and high-tech companies.
1.10. Organizations or individuals nominated a candidate for a medal or prize shall submit the following documents to the International Jury of the contest:
a) information about the author (list of main scientific works, discoveries, inventions, place of work and position held, home address, work and home telephone numbers);
b) a published scientific work (series of works) or references to them;
c) a reasoned presentation, including a scientific description of the work, its significance for the development of science and the national economy.
1.11. Documents are accepted by e-mail medal@kpfu.ru with the subject line “For the N.I. Lobachevsky medal and prize”.
1.12. Works submitted to the contest will not be returned. Printed scientific works considered at the meeting of the International Jury of the contest for the award of the medal and prize are transferred to the N.I. Lobachevsky Scientific Library of Kazan Federal University for storage.
1.13. The decision to award the N.I. Lobachevsky medal and prize is made by the KFU Academic Council based on the results of the reasoned conclusion of the International Jury of the contest.
1.14. A person awarded the N.I. Lobachevsky medal and prize is awarded a medal and a diploma of the established form (duplicate diplomas are deposited in the KFU Archive).
2. International jury: composition, procedure for its formation and work
2.1. The competitive selection for the N.I. Lobachevsky Medal and Prize "For outstanding work in the field of fundamental and applied mathematics" is conducted by the International Jury for the presentation of the medal and prize for outstanding achievements
in the field of fundamental and applied mathematics.
2.2. The personal composition of the International Jury is approved by the Academic Council of KFU, taking into account proposals from interested scientific and public organizations and other structures.
2.3. The international jury organizes and conducts an examination of the works submitted to the contest, and also determines the candidates for the award of the medal.
2.4. The international jury in its work follows generally accepted standards of scientific ethics and takes into account possible conflicts of interest of its members.
2.5. The following cases are recognized as a conflict of interest:
— a member of the International Jury is or was in a “scientific supervisor – student/graduate student/applicant” relationship with a candidate for the medal;
— a member of the International Jury is related to the candidate for the medal by family ties;
— a member of the International Jury works in the same scientific organization or educational
organization of higher education as the candidate for the medal;
— a member of the International Jury is in a contractual (financial) relationship with the candidate for the medal.
2.6. In the event of a conflict of interest, a member of the International Jury must notify the other members of the Jury at the first meeting devoted to the consideration of the contest entries for the medal.
2.7. Members of the International Jury – medal candidates do not have the right to take part in the discussion and voting of the works submitted for the medal. They are automatically removed from the International Jury until the next contest.
3. Amendments to the Regulations
This Regulation and amendments to it are adopted by the Academic Council of KFU and are put into effect after its approval by the Rector of KFU.
4. Distribution of the Regulations
4.1. This Regulation is subject to mandatory distribution carried out by the Department of Document Flow and Control of the KFU (hereinafter referred to as the DFC) in the manner determined by the Office Work Instructions of the KFU.
4.2. This Regulation is posted on the KFU portal.
5. Registration and storage of the Regulations
This Regulation is registered in the DFC. The original copy of this Regulation is stored in the DFC until it is replaced by a new version.
A certified copy of this Regulation is stored as part of the organizational documents of the KFU Academic Council.